Praying for Italy: A Candlelight Vigil at City Hall

Sep 02, 2016 1382

By Ann Potenza

On Monday August 29th, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilman Joe Buscaino and Italian Consul General Antonio Verde, together with the Los Angeles Italo-American community, organized a candlelight vigil on the steps of City Hall to pay tribute to the victims of the recent earthquake in central Italy and raise awareness for relief efforts.

"The thoughts and prayers of everyone in Los Angeles are with the Italian people. We have a strong and historic bond with them, and are all-too-familiar with the enormously difficult aftermath of a major earthquake," stated Mayor Eric Garcetti on his official Facebook page, "Lighting City Hall in the colors of their nation's flag tonight is a symbol of our commitment to stand with them in a time of sorrow, loss, and recovery."

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano

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