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Umberto has a degree in Political Science and a master in Marketing and Communication. He is the founder and CEO of We the Italians and the representative in Italy of the Italian American Museum of New York. He gives lectures about History of Italian Emigration to the US, and he has published seven books about Italy and the US

Enrico lives in Rome, is 44 years old, is an art historian and has a degree in glottodidactics. He’s been working as a guide with the most important roman cultural associations and he taught art history and artistic technical language at IED (Higher Institute of Design). He has published several papers about art history and glottodidactics applied...

Giulia was born and raised in the North of Italy near Lake Como. After high school, she moved to the United States where she was an au pair and studied Liberal Arts at Essex County College. Then, she returned to Italy and continued her studies in Translation at the Civica Scuola Altiero Spinelli for translators and interpreters in Milan. She’s a la...

A native-born Italian - "D.O.C." – Paola has lived and worked abroad for nearly a decade. Cooking has always been her passion; she always likes to experiment with different tastes and textures, tingeing from the Italian culinary culture to create her own personal recipes, however trying to remain faithful to the authentic Italian traditions, flavor...

Being of Italian ancestry, Jennifer has a strong passion for her culture and wine, especially that produced from Italy. She writes a wine blog, Vino Travels, that promotes and educates folks around the world of the wide variety of grapes and regions throughout Italy.

Federico was born in Rome. Sociologist, communication expert, assistant professor at La Sapienza University, writer and sports journalist. He loves sport, good books, food, wine and Italy.

The goal of our Club, which was not created merely as an integrated tourist promotional operation, is to guarantee - through protection, restoration, promotion and utilization - the preservation of a great heritage of monuments and memories that would otherwise be irretrievably lost. is the official website for tourism in Italy, sponsored by the Italian Government. Its principal objective is that of being a knowledge source on the places, attractions and services relevant to Italian tourism.

Italian Botanical Heritage is a project aimed at fostering the knowledge of the Italian botanical, artistic and cultural Italian heritage and the development of green tourism in Italy, and to become a virtual meeting platform between enthusiasts of this field.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali – MIPAAF) develops and coordinates the lines of agricultural, forestry, agri-food and fisheries at the national, European and international level.

Unioncamere - the Union of Italian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture - is the public association that institutionally collects and represents the Italian chamber system.

Eleonora was was born in Vienna, Austria! She moved to Italy when she was a child and she grew up in Belluno, Veneto. As soon as she turned eighteen, she moved to Milan where she graduated in Journalism and Communications. From there, for her everything has been a beautiful journey around the world! She is now in Miami, FL.

Priscilla lives in Rome and she has a Master’s Degree in International Relations. She works in the hospitality industry and she has a strong passion for the U.S. She has relatives who live on the East Coast and she spent some periods of her life there, studying and volunteering.

Riccardo is a 21-year-old International Relations student, active in the social field, passionate about politics and journalism. He literally “una ne fa e cento ne pensa”, an Italian figure of speech that can be translated in something like “while he is doing one thing he already is thinking about a hundred more”. He dreams of being able to fulfill...

Professional journalist, graduated in Architecture, Mario worked for more than twenty years in Condé Nast, where he was editor-in-chief of AD and Traveller. He founded a travel agency for tours in virtual worlds, created exhibitions on Proust's sites, interviewed rock stars, archistars, web celebrities and avatars. He has written about twenty essay...

Giovanni is an italian-born political activist living, studying, and working in New York and Miami. He is a United Nations Foundation Youth Ambassador and currently completing a Master's in Government at Harvard University. Previously, Giovanni worked at the White House, U.S Senate, U.S House of Representatives, and Bloomberg LP. Always passionate...

Francesca is the Vice President of the Promoting Mascagni Committee, which wants to promote and revive the figure and work of one of the most important Italian composers of the late 800 and early 900. To this end, it organizes cultural and theatrical

Dolores Alfieri, who cannot remember a day when she was not eagerly wanting to hear stories about her Napolitano family – its history, its ancestors, and its trials and tribulations – is co-host of The Italian American Podcast. In addition, she is a

ANCE is the Italian Association of Construction Companies, a leading industrial organization and one of the largest in terms of associated members and annual turnover. Headquartered in Rome, ANCE actively supports the construction sector both nationa

Davide took his degree in Turin, Italy with a final dissertation on the connection between social networking sites and self-identity construction. He won the first prize in Culture section of "Premio Grinzane-Cavour" promoted by La Stampa (Italian da