Carnevale Italiano in Montclair

Feb 14, 2015 1110

Join in an evening of deli­cious food, enter­tain­ment and good com­pany at:

TRUMPETS JAZZ CLUB, 6 Depot Square, Mont­clair, on Feb­ru­ary 17th from 6:30 — 10:30PM. Tak­ing place on the eve of "CARNEVALE."

Enjoy a hot buf­fet — includes penne alla vodka, lasagne, egg­plant parmi­giana, pork loin, salad and much more. There will spe­cial desserts! Veg­e­tar­ian and vegan spe­cials will also be served. Gluten-free pasta avail­able upon request (please call in advance for dietary restric­tions). Includes wine, beer, gra­tu­ity and tax.

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