Unlocking Giorgio Morandi's Mysteries: A Personal Perspective

May 06, 2016 766

The Italian Cultural Institute in Washington DC and the Embassy of Italy welcome Laura Mattioli, the founder/president of the Center for Italian Modern Art (CIMA) in New York City, where the exhibition dedicated to Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964), which is currently on view through June 25th.

Mattioli's father was one of Morandi's principal collectors, and together with her father she regularly visited the artist when she was a child. She will be in conversation with Cultural Attaché Renato Miracco discussing her personal recollections of the artist, her father's relation with Morandi, and the exhibition currently at CIMA, featuring c. 40 paintings that have rarely been seen in the United States, the exhibition focuses on Morandi's rarely seen works from the 1930s—a seminal and yet relatively unexplored decade for the artist.

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Source: http://www.iicwashington.esteri.it/

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