Wilmington City Council stalls attempt to encourage permanent removal of Columbus, Rodney statues

Apr 17, 2021 889

BY: Sean Greene

Wilmington City Council did not find majority support to encourage the city to permanently remove statues of Christopher Columbus and Caesar Rodney during a vote on a resolution Thursday night. The two statues were ordered removed by Mayor Mike Purzycki on June 12, 2020, less than two weeks after a riot took place in Market Street, and in a time period statues in other cities in America were being defaced or destroyed.

Council President Trippi Congo brought a resolution for council consideration that would have "encouraged" the statues not be reinstalled by city leaders, but several council members chose to not take a stand, leading to its failure, and no official advice - yea or nay -- was provided.

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SOURCE: https://www.wdel.com

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