Fogolar Furlan in Michigan

Feb 19, 2015 2024

by Irene Marcuzzi

My name is Irene Marcuzzi and in collaboration with the organization "Friuli nel Mondo" I am trying to reach out to any Italian born in Friuli Venezia Giulia that lives in Michigan or in the surrounding area.

Friuli nel Mondo was created in 1953, to assist Friulians in foreign countries and to coordinate the activities of the Fogolârs Furlans, the organization Ente Friuli nel Mondo (Friulians in the World), was founded. It publishes a magazine, Friuli nel Mondo, and 25,000 copies are distributed in 78 different countries. The organization educates émigrés and their descendants about their origins, ethnic identity, and maintains connections among Friulians around the world.
If anyone is interested or wants to know more please feel free to contact me at

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