Herrin Festa kicks off

May 21, 2019 742

BY: Taylor Clark

It’s the beginning of summer, which means it’s time once again for the city of Herrin to celebrate it’s Italian culture for a week of Herrin Festa. Organizers say this year they will have all the standards; like concerts, the Miss Herrin Fest Pageant, a golf tournament, and a whole lot more. In total, there are around three dozen events throughout the week.

As of Monday afternoon, the rides were still on the trailers, but operators say they will be getting set up Tuesday, May 21 to be ridden that evening. President of Herrin Fest Chris Trapani said this year they are trying new things to get as many people as possible out to the fun. “First time ever. Every Day Pass,” he said, “you can come and for $30 you can come all five nights of Festa. Six bucks a night!”


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SOURCE: https://www.kfvs12.com/

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