ICC Appointed Presidio Letterario Dante Alighieri

Jun 04, 2021 936

The Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis is happy to announce that ICC has recently been appointed Presidio Letterario of the Società Dante Alighieri (DA), one of the most important Italian institution for the promotion and appreciation of Italian language and culture since 1889.

ICC will join a network of cultural centers in Italy and abroad promoting events and initiatives related to Italian literature. Since 2009 Dante Alighieri has officially been part of the jury of Premio Strega, the most prestigious Italian literary award. ICC is honored to be part of this process.

ICC Presidio, formed by a group of avid readers among ICC members, has been engaged in reading the finalists of the Premio Strega award and has cast its vote. The votes of all Presidi will contribute to narrowing the number of finalists for the jury to consider. The 2021 winner will be proclaimed in July.

The activities of ICC Presidio will continue with initiatives aimed at expanding the knowledge of Italian literature in our community. Our goal is to celebrate the contribution of Italian authors and literature masterpieces, from Dante Alighieri to those contemporary authors who continue to enrich the global literary landscape.

SOURCE: Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis

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