Dragotec: Family business from Italy to Fenton, Iowa

Nov 25, 2015 2199

by Jean Caspers-Simmet

Dennis Bollig, Dragotec USA president, reflected on the history of the business he and his wife, Darlene, grew on their farm. The Bolligs introduced the Drago GT corn head to the news media Nov. 10 at their rural Fenton location at the same time Olimac, the Italian company that manufactures the corn head, introduced it at Agritechnica 2015 in Hanover, Germany.

"We brought our first two Drago corn heads in in 2001," Bollig said. They brought the corn head in strictly for its unique stalk chopping feature. Europe, he said, was way ahead on that. "We quickly got a sense that this corn head was very different in the gentleness of how it handled the corn, and we started showing it to farmers," Bollig said.

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Source: http://www.agrinews.com/

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