The agreement has been signed among Piccola Industria di Confindustria Puglia, Politecnico di Bari, and Miami Scientific Italian Community to promote in the U.S. the Puglia innovation ecosystem made up of many Small Innovative Industries and top-notch Basic and Applied Scientific Research where excellent public and private partnerships operate synergistically.
A tool designed by the Piccola Industria Puglia and Miami Scientific Italian Community to stimulate a dynamic process of comparison between the world of Puglia research and the world of production.
SOURCE: https://www.miamisic.org/
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AGENDA 12.00 – 12.15 Light lunch12.15 – 12.30Welcome addresses Lorenzo Mannelli, MD, PhD...
The Department of Italian invites you to a lecture by Fulvio S. Orsitto who is an Associat...