The 23rd Annual Week of the Italian Language in the World at the Embassy of Italy in Washington

Oct 18, 2023 717

The seminar “Artificial Intelligence and Language Learning: The Italian Model” opened today at the Embassy of Italy in Washington the 23rd annual Week of the Italian Language in the World. “This year, the underlying theme of the Week of the Italian Language is sustainability, with particular reference to sustainable learning of the Italian language through processes that aim at the efficient use of resources and making the learning itself enjoyable.”

With these words, Minister Plenipotentiary Alessandro Gonzales opened the event, then focusing on the role of new technologies in language learning and the relationship between artificial intelligence and creativity: “Artificial intelligence is a new element capable of revolutionizing all fields of human activities. But like any technology, it is a means, not an end: it can be extremely useful if used with a critical approach.”

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