I am pleased to announce that we have begun to accept applications for Catholic University Law School's 2014 International Human Rights Summer Law Program in Rome, Italy. The program is open to qualified JD and LL.M students and I hope that you will pass this information along to law students you know who may be interested in a 3-week study program in Rome.
The program, begun in 2011, affords students the opportunity to earn 4 credits by selecting 2 out of 3 classes on various human rights topics. In addition, while in Rome, we will visit various legal, historical, religious, and cultural highlights to introduce students to this magnificent city. The program is 3 weeks in length, specifically designed to be a concentrated program so that students may return home on June 7th and still have approx. 10 weeks available for summer employment.
To register for Rome, Cracow, or both click here
The announcement below has links to our website, where you may find additional information about the Rome program (as well as our International Business & Trade Program in Cracow.) I am also attaching a flyer with additional details about the programs. However, please do not hesitate to contact me at Silecchia@law.edu or Italy@law.edu for additional information.
Happy New Year! Tanti auguri per l'anno nuovo!
Lucia Silecchia, Director
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