Danza Macabra: Ancient Pestilences and Contemporary Pandemics

Oct 20, 2020 1174

BY: Jo Fusco

October 28, 2020, Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University. A roster of historians, political scientists, literary experts, and art historians will discuss the different implications on society of the current pandemic with special attention to the Italian - US relationship. All presentations will be in English.

The event will take place live on Zoom, October 28th, 9:00 am to1:30 pm. In order to participate, a few minutes before the start of the conference, click on the following link, https://bit.ly/CenterItalianStudiesSBU_Conference_Danza_Macabra If you have trouble joining the meeting contact Antonio Fideleo@stonybrook.edu 

The program will include presentations as follows:

- Antonino Urso (Pontifical University, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome): Perception and Reactions of Individuals and Societies to Pandemics;
- Frances Cardini (Professor Emeritus, Scuola Normale, Pisa): Political and Cultural Changes As An Effect of Pestilences and Pandemics
- Kristina Olson (George Mason University): Boccaccio's Invincibility Strategy in the Decameron: A Point of Reference for Any Discourse on Pandemics;
- Brandon Essary (Elon University): Storytelling, Playing and Pandemics;
- Luigi Troiani (Pontifical University, St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome) How Epidemics and Pandemics Affect the States' Affairs and International Relations: The Case of Covid-19;
- Delio Miotti (University of Pavia): The Economics of Pandemics: Useful Lessons from the Past;
- Carlo Maria Lolli Ghetti (Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome): Danse Macabra: The Perception of Death in Art.

Remarks by Francesco Genuardi, Consul General of New York.

Complete program may be viewed on www.stonybrook.edu/italianstudies 

SOURCE: Center for Italian Studies, Stony Brook University

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