Italian Dual Language Program in New York: An Endangered Species?

Aug 06, 2018 751

BY: Benedetta Scardovi-Mounier e Stefania P. Clegg

Dear Direttore,

You may remember the official launch of the Dual Language program in Italian of June 13, at the Italian Culturale Institute, at the presence of Giorgio Van Straten and Consul General Francesco Genuardi. The event was well attended by people from different boroughs and school districts, it managed to attract several Italian speaking families who knew nothing about the DL as well as many who had a special connection with our culture, lived in Italy at some point in their life, and are eager to re-connect in a way or another.

During the presentation, we had the pleasure to introduce the principal of the first Italian DL – based in Brooklyn – Ms Louise Verdemare – as well as principal Ms Denise Gomez Desjardin, the staff and children of PS242, who have opened their school doors to the Italian DL program starting next September 2018. 

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