WTI Events: June 12, 2023 2nd We the Italians Gala Dinner

Jun 16, 2023 3996


June 12 2023 Roma, Italy


For the second year in a row We the Italians Gala dinner was held at the Circolo del Ministero degli Esteri on June 12, with guests of honor being the board members of the National Italian American Foundation, the most important association representing the 20 million Italian Americans.

Despite the storm, the Gala was attended by more than 300 personalities from the world of institutions, politics, industry, managers and professionals, including the system of presence in Italy representing the United States in culture, academia, business and institutions. This is the only celebration in Italy of the Italian American community and the most important convivial event here in Rome to witness the friendship between Italy and the United States.

The evening, hosted by Valeria Altobelli, opened with a minute's silence asked by We the Italians President Umberto Mucci in memory of Silvio Berlusconi, followed by the Italian and American national anthems masterfully performed by Italian American singer Blaine Brown.

This was followed by brief greetings from Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Chairman of the Foreign Ministry Circle; Umberto Mucci, President of We the Italians; Luigi Maria Vignali, Director General for Italians Abroad at the Foreign Ministry; and Robert Carlucci and Robert Allegrini, Chairman of the Board and President of the National Italian American Foundation, who announced the donation by NIAF of $10. 000 for the restoration of Villa Farnesina here in Rome, and $25,000, the result of proceeds from the Italian American organization and donations from We the Italians readers, to Emilia Romagna, this year's NIAF Region of Honor.

Plaques for We the Italians' "Two Flags One Heart 2023" awards were then presented to four personalities who have distinguished themselves in improving relations between Italy and the United States: Giulia Silvia Ghia, Councillor for Culture of Rome's First City Hall; Dario Deste, General Manager of Fincantieri's Military Ships Division; Gioia Rau, astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; and Giampiero Massolo, Chairman of the Committee for Rome's candidacy for Expo 2030.

In addition, starting this year, the We the Italians gala will honor the Italian-American community of one of the 50 American states each year: this year it was the turn of New Jersey and the New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission, represented by its Chairman Robert DiBiase.

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