100 years of Marcello Mastroianni, the star who never wanted to be a heartthrob

May 19, 2024 330

BY: Ianko Lòpez

The iconic Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni (1924-1996) recalled that, when he was offered the chance to star in La Dolce Vita (1960), he asked the director — Federico Fellini — to see the script. What he got was a folder containing a pornographic drawing. Any heartthrob worthy of the label would have reacted with a complicit gesture, or perhaps with another even more ridiculous joke.

But Mastroianni turned red to the ears and could barely hide his embarrassment as he asked: “Very interesting, where do I sign?” That film would turn out to be Mastroianni’s great blessing… and his small condemnation.

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SOURCE: https://english.elpais.com

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