In 2022, boom of pilgrims on Franciscan paths in Italy

Mar 02, 2023 478

Boom of walkers in 2022, +26% compared to last year. There were 4,203 walkers from 57 nations who reached the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi alone, in groups or in the company of their four-legged friends. Data collected by the Statio Peregrinorum, an office of the Basilica of St. Francis, show that the majority of pilgrims, who arrived in Assisi last year were Italians with 57.09 percent (78.55 percent in 2021).

Among foreigners in first place are Germans (14.24%), followed by French with 6.71%, Austrians (3.44%) and Americans (3.01%). This is a fast-growing trend that shows how strong the attention to the nature around us is. Surpassed the record number of pilgrims to Assisi in 2019 (4,124). The Franciscan paths are the real and concrete example of the values of the Saint of Assisi: fraternity, welcome and respect for the environment.

In the data collected by Statio Peregrinorum, it emerges that those who walk the Franciscan paths are mostly men (51.70%) while women represent 48.30%. 96.03% walked it (94.08% in 2021) and 3.48% by bicycle. Of these pilgrims, 75.20% come to Assisi alone, while 24.80% in groups. There are 57 nations where they come from. The majority of pilgrims are Italian, but it is still a well-known and appreciated experience all over the world.

The favorite destination places for walkers are: Assisi (92.38%), Rome (4.25%) and Ascoli Piceno (1.35%). Franciscan paths are for all ages: in first place are pilgrims from 30 to 60 years old 45.90% (51.20% in 2021), followed with 35.30% by those over 60 (24.20% in 2021), while between 18 and 30 are 14.15% (14.60% in 2021), and finally 4.30% are pilgrims under the age of 18 (10% in 2021). 

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