Authentic Italian Table is to get started

May 02, 2018 1301

More than 50 events, 50 consortia, wineries, Italian food & wine and lifestyle companies, more than 500 importers and local distributors, more than 100 certified Italian restaurants involved: these are the numbers of Authentic Italian Table, the event with which 9 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE) of Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Mexico City bring to the table the excellence of the Italian culinary tradition and authentic product 100% Made in Italy.

The aim is to promote knowledge among an audience of about 20,000 people, including specialized press, wine and food influencers, nutritionists and Italian food lovers. The initiative is part of the True Italian Taste project, promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and implemented by Assocamerestero, in cooperation with nine Italian Chambers of Commerce in the United States, Canada and Mexico. 

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