Italian Ceramics: The Secret of Global Success Between Innovation, Design and Sustainability

Jan 09, 2025 132

If there is a material that speaks Italian with an impeccable accent, this is the ceramic. Behind the floors and coverings that furnish homes and commercial spaces all over the world, there is an entirely Italian story, made of ingenuity, artisan tradition and an innate sensitivity to design.

But what makes Italian ceramics so special and, above all, how did this success come about? In the article published in Cer Magazine (December 2024), Andrea Serri retraces the main factors who have transformed Made in Italy ceramics into a global reference point. A journey through 60 years of industrial history also celebrated by Confindustria Ceramica, which illustrates how the success of the sector is the result of a balance between techsustainabilityProduct care and a solid one international projection.

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