Italy’s New Fellini Museum Invites Visitors to Experience La Dolce Vita in the Director’s Hometown

Apr 13, 2022 574

BY: Mae Hamilton

It can’t be denied—the late Italian film director Federico Fellini certainly enjoyed the finer things in life, and he loved to make movies about those finer things. There was the operatic, tearjerker La Strada (1954), which follows the life of a young girl sold to a circus by her mother, and 8 ½, which blended the line between fantasy and reality with its iconic surreal dream sequences.

And, of course, there's 1954’s La Dolce Vita with Anita Ekberg playing Sylvia, the bombshell blonde who wowed audiences across the globeNow, fans can get a comprehensive tour of the multi-Oscar-winning auteur’s life and filmography at the new Federico Fellini International Museum in downtown Rimini, Italy.

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