Italy's Rimini Is Best Known For Its Beaches But It Also Has Impressive Roman Ruins Worth Seeing

Sep 29, 2023 1154

Rimini is a small Italian city on the Adriatic coast that is famous in modern Europe for being a beach-going destination. But Rimini has much more to offer visitors than just beaches; it also has a number of impressive ancient Roman monuments to explore. Those traveling down the Adriatic coast should stop by Rimini and explore its ancient monuments, beaches, and more.

Important railroads run through Rimini (trains are perhaps the best way to get around Italy). It is worth stopping off to discover Rimini while touring Italy. Rimini is also the gateway to the tiny country of San Marino. Buses leave from just outside the main train station at Rimini and go up into the hills to this strange country within Italy. Get started on an Italian adventure by staying in Rimini—and starting at the Ancient City.

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