Love Struck in Ancient Rome: The Origin of Valentine’s Day

Feb 05, 2019 1050

BY: Tony Traficante

Of course it’s celebrated in Italy! Initially, not as a day of love, but in honor of the Saint and Bishop San Valentino of Terni. There is a beautiful legendary love story associated with Valentine’s Day in Italy, not Romeo and Juliet, instead Sabino and Serapia. “Ma scusi” (but excuse me), isn’t Italy all about love?

Sabino — a young, dynamic Roman Centurion — was cruising through a piazza in Terni when he spied the beautiful young Italian ragazza, Serapia. He was immediately smitten by her beauty and fell in love–well, he was Italian after all. Heart throbbing and eyes glued to her lovely, smooth face, he knew she was to be his wife. So, without hesitation, the dashing officer, with medals glistening, moved toward the young lass to introduce himself.

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