Special relationship between Genoa and the US brings back to Europe 52 paintings “From the Impressionists to Picasso”

Sep 25, 2015 787

by Andrea carli

Since the mid-14th century, Genoa was a great naval and commercial power. The seat of the city's political power was the Ducal Palace: the residence of the Doge. Today, during the exhibition "From the Impressionists to Picasso," 52 artworks - European painting masterpieces from the 19th and 20th century - will be hanging from the walls of these same rooms.

The exhibit is a real leap into the past. Paintings by Monet are displayed alongside works by Van Gogh, Cézanne, Renoir, Degas, Picasso, Matisse and Kandinsky, all from the Detroit Institute of Arts, a museum with a 130-year-long history located in the heart of the US automobile industry. The exhibition, opening today, was presented at the US Embassy in Rome. US ambassador in Italy John Philips and Genoa mayor Marco Doria attended the event.

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Fonte: Italy24


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