“Studiare in Friuli”

Feb 25, 2013 2580

The Convitto Nazionale "Paolo Diacono"


Province of Gorizia, Province of Udine; Cividale del Friuli Municipality, CRUP Foundation
Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

in collaboration with Ente Friuli nel mondo

announces a competition for 20 scholarships of the duration of one year (or semester), which entitle students to attend high school courses at the High Schools of the Convitto Nazionale or other
Schools in the Province of Udine,reserved to:

offsprings or descendants of expats from the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in the framework of the project "STUDIARE IN FRIULI"

Competition for the Academic Year 2013-2014
Deadline 30 aprile 2013

Please see the website www.cnpd.it

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