See you in ... U.S. Supreme Court. Basil M. Russo and COPOMIAO Make The Case for Italian Americans to be Deemed a Protected Class

Mar 28, 2023 1035

BY: Truby Chiaviello

Basil M. Russo remains resolute. The fight is onward. To the U.S. Supreme Court we go! The next battleground is the biggest. Judge Russo leads the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations (COPOMIAO). This past January, he and COPOMIAO made history when, through their youth committee, headed by John Viola and Patrick O’Boyle, convened the first-ever national Italian American youth summit.

Hence, the strategy is to offer a carrot and stick by Judge Russo and his team at COPOMIAO. The carrot: Entice coming generations to proudly embrace their Italian American heritage. The stick: Keep fighting! We advocate our cause and defend our legacy at school board, municipal and city meetings, and, of course, in the courts; and now, the third co-equal branch of the United States government. The U.S. Supreme Court!

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