Some of moviedom’s first caper comedies appeared in Italian cinema

Oct 28, 2024 147

BY: Lou Thomas

A caper film is a parody of a theft, kidnapping or a burglary gone wrong. The gang leader is often misguided. He leads a band of misfits who are about to commit a crime and are always caught up in dicey situations. Italo Calvino’s short story titled “Furto in una Pasticceria” (Theft in a Pastry Shop) was the inspiration for the film “Big Deal on Madonna Street.”

“Big Deal on Madonna Street” (I Ignoti Soliti) was filmed in 1958. It starred Vittorio Gassman, Toto’, Marcello Mastroianni and 20-year-old Claudia Cardinale. Gassman was classically trained and was known as one of the best actor/directors of his generation while both Mastroianni and Cardinale were on the verge of becoming Italian icons in suaveness and sensuality. Toto’ was the quintessential comedian who was often compared to Charlie Chaplin and endeared himself to Italian audiences throughout the post-war years.

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