The docu-film A.P. Giannini: Bank To The Future directed by Valentina Signorelli and Cecilia Zoppelletto, produced by Daitona and Preston Witman Productions, continues to shine on the international stage, taking home the Best International Documentary award at the Tennessee International Indie Film Festival (TIIFF). This prestigious accolade highli...

The Metropolitan City of Rome Capital was elected European Space Capital during the European Council of Mayors of the CVA, Communauté des Villes Ariane, meeting in Seville on November 16, 2024. This is an important recognition for the area, which has played a central role in the European aerospace industry for years. The CVA is a network that promo...

Tommy DeVito is back at starting quarterback for the New York Giants. The Giants benched the struggling 27-year-old Daniel Jones on Monday, with coach Brian Daboll planning to start the fan favorite DeVito against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this week in an attempt to end a five-game losing streak. DeVito had been listed as the third quarterback every...

When Calcedonio “Cal” and Genevieve Bruno first opened their intimate, 37-seat restaurant off Second Street in downtown Fort Myers a decade ago, they weren’t thinking about the future. Ten years later, that future has arrived. The new Bruno’s of Brooklyn Italian Eatery opened the evening of Nov. 18 at 2149 First St. The original location at 2112 Se...

Artificial intelligence has become increasingly central, which is the reason why we have made it a priority on the agenda of the Italian G7 Presidency and in Europe. Its impact affects not only our lives, our societies, our economies, but also international relations and security strategies themselves. Artificial intelligence confronts us with impo...

There's no denying that Italians and North Americans share a mutual love for coffee. But that's pretty much where the similarity ends. Every time I fly home from Italy, I overhear people complaining about the coffee they drank while there. And while it used to shock me, I've come to realize the root cause of this is the disparity in our menu termin...

For those who haven't been able to book a reservation at Carbone in South Beach (or don't want to make the trek to the Beach to try the famous spicy rigatoni), New Times has great news for you: its sister restaurant is opening this December in Coconut Grove — and this time they'll accept walk-ins.According to Bloomberg, Major Food Group's sister re...

Rome's urban landscape was transformed over the centuries by floods, earthquakes, wars and cultural changes, as evidenced by the city's underground remains. Rome is a city where modern life and ancient ruins coexist. However many tourists are surprised to discover that a sizable chunk of ancient Rome is buried beneath the present city, often up to...

Humanities West and the Italian Cultural Institute San Francisco celebrate the life and art of Giacomo Puccini (December 22, 1858, to November 29, 1924) on the 100th anniversary of his death. His operas La Bohème, Tosca, Madama Butterfly and Turandot are among the most beloved and most often-recorded operas of all time. His arias are famous for bot...

Viewed from the top of the 2,255-metre-high Stelvio piste, the town of Bormio far below looks like a Christmas cake, with pine trees and church spires poking out of a snow-filled scene. The two are connected by a run which, with a vertical drop of 1,010 metres and gradients reaching 60%, is one of the most technically demanding and physically gruel...

A restaurant offering Italian cuisine and modern cocktails has opened at The Avenue, a luxury retail and dining wing at the American Dream megamall in the Meadowlands. The restaurant — Isola Bella — features cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages, wine and champagne. The menu includes such dishes as jumbo shrimp cocktail, caviar selections, pastrami...

Couples are flocking to Tuscany for a dream wedding — followed, naturally, by a bucolic honeymoon in the magical landscapes. According to recent research from jewelry firm Mark Broumand, Italy accounts for an average of 7,428 monthly searches from engaged couples, putting it in the top 4 for a destination wedding.  Tuscany, a province in the northw...