‘Beyond the Medici’: A Window Into Florentine Baroque Art

Mar 03, 2025 213

The exhibition “Beyond the Medici: The Haukohl Family Collection” is currently on view at the Georgia Museum of Art through May 18. Mark Fehrs Haukohl, president of a multinational family investment office based in Houston, organized the show from his family’s private collection of Florentine Baroque art, the largest outside of Italy. He wrote, “In some small way… the Haukohls would like to open a window to illustrate what Florence was like in the 17th century at the Medici Court.” 

After a tour in Europe, the exhibition is visiting academic museums in the United States. According to Haukohl, “The important scholarship and superior humanities programs offered at the University of Georgia immediately drew us to include the Georgia Museum of Art in the American tour of the Medici Collection. We look forward to sharing with the students and broad communities of Georgia the joy of the Baroque.” 

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SOURCE: https://flagpole.com/

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