Enel acquisition marks entry into US electric vehicle market

Nov 03, 2017 2214

BY: Diarmaid Williams

Enel has, through its US subsidiary EnerNOC, announced today the acquisition of California-based eMotorWerks, a leading North American supplier of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. eMotorWerks is the operator of the charging stations, called JuiceBox, and owner and operator of JuiceNet, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform for the smart management of EV charging and other distributed energy storage facilities.

Through the JuiceNet platform, these facilities can be remotely controlled and aggregated for grid balancing purposes relying on unidirectional and bidirectional (vehicle-to-grid, V2G) electricity flows. The acquisition of eMotorWerks marks Enel’s entrance into the US electric mobility market, one of the largest EV markets at global level.

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SOURCE: http://www.powerengineeringint.com

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