Explore Your Italian Roots Seminar in Beverly, MA

May 13, 2016 3378

ORIGINS ITALY Founder and "Genealogy Roadshow" Host Mary Tedesco will present two Italian genealogy lectures at the Explore Your Italian Roots Seminar in Beverly, MA on 14 May 2016: "Roads to Rome: Locating Your Italian Ancestral Town" and "Andiamo in Italia: Italian Genealogical Research in Italy and from Home." Detailed lecture descriptions below. Objects and documents from the Beverly Historical Society's collection related to Italian-Americans in Beverly will be on view.

When: Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Where: Italian Community Center, 302 Rantoul Street, Beverly, MA.
Cost: $20/$10 BHS and ICC members.
Registration: Please contact Beverly Historical Society @ (978) 922-1186 or info@beverlyhistory.org.

Detailed lecture descriptions:

"Roads to Rome: Locating Your Italian Ancestral Town"

Walking the streets of your ancestral town in Italy can be the experience of a lifetime. This lecture will provide strategies and resources for discovering your Italian ancestral town using records available in the United States and online.

"Andiamo in Italia: Italian Genealogical Research in Italy and from Home"

With knowledge of your ancestral town in Italy, it is possible to start research using Italian records. Italy offers many records beyond birth, marriage and death. Discover what records are available and how they are accessed. Research by correspondence will also be discussed.

See you there!

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