'Gladiators' bring Roman flavor to R.I. polo

Jul 09, 2018 3391

BY: Mark Reynolds

As thousands of sharply dressed spectators converged on the turf of Newport International Polo on Saturday afternoon, the soaring tenor of Andrea Bocelli, piped across an emerald green at Glen Farm, gave more than a hint about the origin of one of the teams zipping up its boots.

Representing Italy were the members of the “Roman Gladiators” polo team, most of whom had flown in from Italy just for the match. They were the focal point in a distinctly Rhode Island mixture of equestrian sport and Italian culture, far from Federal Hill, in the most stellar weather so far this summer. Oh, and yes, the other team wore the colors of the United States. As the Gladiators thought about riding thoroughbred horses they had encountered only a few days before, Rhode Islanders were embracing the Roma theme.

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SOURCE: http://www.providencejournal.com/

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