Italian American Culture Night

Apr 01, 2015 4823

Tuesday, April 14 - 6.30 pm EDT
St. James Church Rocky Hill - 767 Elm St, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Join us on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm in watching the great film, Italian Travelogue Movie of Sicily, Italy.

All friends and members are welcome with only a $5 donation per person it would be a great movie to bring the kids and the grandchildren to. The film is 45 minutes long, and there will desserts, coffee, and soda.

For reservations please call: Mario Pellegrino at (860) 993- 4720 or Carlo Magno at (860) 257- 3808

Source: Order Sons of Italy in America - Ella T. Grasso Lodge 2538

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