Excitement at shrine over major motion picture, "Cabrini"

Feb 18, 2024 1142

BY: Alan Gionet

The opening of a biopic about Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini is bringing interest and excitement to the shrine that remains in her name near Lookout Mountain. The film Cabrini is set to open at over 3,000 theaters across the country on March 8. It tells the story of part of her life as she battled to care for immigrants, especially children in New York City.

"I personally was very excited," said Father John Lager, a Capuchin Franciscan Friar who conducts masses at the chapel at the shrine and helps raise funds to keep the work of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus started by Mother Cabrini going. "The movie will capitalize on the story of her arrival in New York and her working with the poor of the ghettos of New York. And you'll see the poverty that's there." 

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SOURCE: https://www.cbsnews.com

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