Time Machine: Italian race car finds its way to Cedar Rapids

Jul 17, 2015 1083

by Diane Langton

The Giaur Lancia Moretti, a rare Italian race car, was being built for Italian Formula One driver Felice Bonetto, who planned to race it in 1953 in the Mille Miglia (thousand mile) road race in Italy. But when Bonetto was killed in November 1953, in the Carrera Panamericana race in Silao, Mexico, work on the car stopped.

Paul Gougelman bought the Giaur, had it finished, shipped it to the United States and raced it. In 1956, it was sold to sports car owner Sandy MacArthur of Lake Forest, Ill. MacArthur, who liked Mercury engines, drove it more than a dozen times that year before selling it in 1957 to John Wessale, partner in Cedar Rapids' Waconia Sorghum Co.

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Source: http://thegazette.com/

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