Italian Film Festival August 5th

Jul 30, 2023 1320

BY: Charles Marsala

The American-Italian Federation of the Southeast is hosting a film festival August 5th from 3-7pm at WYES. Four films - each 30-minutes in length will be shown with Q&A to follow each film. Patron’s Party includes Sicilian Wine tasting from 3-4pm. Chef Andrea has donated a copy of his book "La Cucina di Andrea's" for patrons. Tickets can be purchased on EventBrite. 

Films: 1. Who Killa da Chief? 2. The 1927 flight of Col de Pinedo 3. Italian Social Media Influencers 4. Ritornato. The American-Italian Federation of the Southeast's web site is It was started in 1973 by Joseph Maselli as an organization to represent Louisiana Italian-Americans at the National and International level.  

Who Killa da Chief? - Solving the 1890 murder of Police Chief Hennessey in which the Italian Community was blamed and later eleven tried & acquitted were massacred in 1891. The film explores what non-Italians had motive, desire, demeanor to kill, benefitted, but were not investigated.....

The 1927 flight of Col de Pinedo from Rome to Africa to Rio to New Orleans and throughout America- 2 months before Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic. 

The first two films were produced by Charles Geno Marsala, President of the American-Italian Federation of the Southeast and used local actors. Mayor Cantrell’s 2019 apology to the Italian Community and recognition of contributions opens the film “Who Killa da Chief?” Marsala’s show: “Celebrating Culture” airs Sunday evenings on WLAE. 

The second half of the film festival is geared towards contemporary Italian Culture and includes the Future Italian Leaders of America and Roots Tourism 2024 being sponsored by the Italian Government. Moderators will be from Louisiana The Young Italian Professionals Organization: Patrick Campesi and Courtney Tanner.

Through its membership in NIAF, the Federation now offers scholarships to Italy and has started Italians on College campuses programs. 

Italian Social Media Influencers- How is the next generation promoting Italian Culture. A collage of content from “Greeting from Italian America,” “Growing up Italian,” and “Hardcore Italians” includes how social media is being used to explain nationally the St. Joseph’s Day Parade in New Orleans and Italian Culture in America. A video from “You, Me, & Sicily” tells the story of couple that moved back to Sicily near Mt. Edna five years ago and now offers tours and ancestorial research.

Ritornato- The story of actor Michael Cavalieri's return to Limina to bury his mom became a discovery to his heritage and the making of connections to lost cousins. Michael is an actor in California and will be attending the Film Festival. “Ritnorato” has received numerous awards. Michael is currently working on other Sicilian productions.


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