Zoppe Italian Family Circus takes human approach to entertainment in Chandler

Jan 02, 2017 807

For many families in Europe, viagra attending the circus around Christmastime is an annual tradition. Arizona families can share in the custom thanks to the Zoppe Family Circus show in Chandler. During its "Ricominciare" themed circus show from Dec. 27 to Jan. 8 at the Chandler Center for the Arts, the sixth-generation family circus will give audiences a taste of traditional circus arts.

This year, the show has changed with the addition of a new clown, horses, storyline, opening and finale. Raoul Gomiero, an Italian actor, has also joined the circus this year as the new ringmaster. The production incorporates a range of skilled circus performers, including flying trapeze artists, equestrian acrobats, jugglers and clowns.

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Source: http://www.azcentral.com

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