The report "The value of AACUPI Study Programs in Italy" (by S. Duranti, M. Donati, and R. Paniccià, bilingual publication) was presented by AACUPI – Association of American College and University Programs in Italy last November at the John Cabot University in Rome. Introduced by the President of JCU, Franco Pavoncello, Silvia Duranti and Renato Pa...

Dear friends, We are back from a new interesting trip to the East Coast, where We the Italians participated in some important events: in Washington DC there was the annual meeting of the Transatlantic Investment Committee at the Italian Embassy, and then the traditional reception of Ambassador Mariangela Zappia at Villa Firenze, and again the day d...

Thank you to the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, Marist College, Syracuse University, Lipscomb University, Harding University, and any other AACUPI students and staff who participated yesterday at the Be the Difference-Never Again "Living Tribute" to honor the 80th Anniversary of the Northern Italian Campaigns in WWII. We were honore...

September 2024 Studying in Italy, a life-changing experience for 40,000 American students each year

For those who like us are relentlessly dedicated to promoting everything related to the relationship between Italy and the United States, with a special eye on the Italian American community, the phenomenon of study abroad that brings thousands of American students to Italy every year is extremely important. The Association of American College and...

The bond that unites Tuscany with the United States is extraordinary in many ways. Tuscany is not only the Italian region most loved by Americans, it is also the one that hosts the most American students. In 2019 the 200th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States, then a young democracy, and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany was celeb...

Gli Stati Uniti sono la principale destinazione al mondo per gli studenti internazionali, ma sono anche uno dei principali “esportatori” di studenti universitari, i cosiddetti “Study Abroad”. Durante l’anno accademico 2018-2019, quasi 400.000 studenti americani hanno studiato all’estero per ottenere crediti accademici, (secondo il rapporto pubblica...

L’emergenza Covid stravolge un sistema culturale e economico che vale più di 700 milioni: è quello alimentato dalle Università americane che hanno sede e programmi di studio in Italia, più di 160 istituti basati soprattutto a Roma (una sessantina) e Firenze (una cinquantina) che accolgono ogni anno circa 35mila studenti stranieri e danno lavoro a 1...

In Italia ci sono circa 165 sedi permanenti di Università e Colleges statunitensi, canadesi e australiani, ogni anno oltre 33.000 giovani provenienti dai rispettivi atenei passano un periodo di studio in Italia della durata che va dalle poche settimane ai sei mesi, il settore conta circa 12.000 addetti fra personale docente e non docente, l’impatto...

The work of current and former Penn State architecture students who have taken part in the study abroad program at the Pantheon Institute in Rome went on display March 28 at the Italian embassy in Washington, D.C. The exhibit features the designs, models and projects of U.S. architecture students who are (or were) enrolled in programs that are memb...