On May 15, 1819, the first U.S. Consular Agent was appointed to Florence. His name was James Ombrosi and he was tasked under mandate from the U.S. Consulate at Livorno. Nearly 200 years on, the U.S. Mission in Italy is gearing up to celebrate this special anniversary of American diplomatic presence in Florence in 2019.  As the first event in the le...

Mercoledì 18 gennaio si terrà a Firenze l'incontro "Le opportunità di investimento negli Stati Uniti per le imprese toscane", organizzato da AmCham Italy in collaborazione con il Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti di Firenze.L'evento, che vede la partecipazione del Console Generale Benjamin Wohlauer, del Consigliere Delegato AmCham Simone Crolla ...

When Lewis Eisenberg's nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Italy and San Marino was confirmed earlier this summer, he said he promised himself to make the U.S. military here a top priority and to visit bases as soon as possible after his arrival in Rome. Eisenberg visited U.S. Army Garrison Italy's Caserma Ederle and Del Din Dec. 5 and Camp Darby near...

E’ stato assegnato ieri a Luigi Lazzareschi, amministratore Delegato di Sofidel, gruppo cartario noto in particolare per il brand Regina,l’edizione 2017 del Premio Toscana-USA. La cerimonia è stata tenuta nello storico Salone dei Cinquecento di Palazzo Vecchio, a Firenze, nel contesto del Welcome Day, l’evento con cui l’Associazione Toscana-USA, la...

The Tuscan American Association Onlus, presided by its co-presidents Andrea Davis and Federico Frediani, holds a welcome ceremony every year for American students who initiate their studies in the various universities located in Tuscany. One of the Association’s main objectives is to enhance cultural exchanges between Tuscany and the United States,...

On October 9, at the Palazzo Vecchio in the hall of Cinquecento will be the usual WELCOME DAY, the welcome ceremony for students of American Universities present in Florence. The Welcome Day 2013 will be characterized as an authentic Tuscan welcome to the community of American students, who will be for a few months real citizens of Florence....

Lunedi 25 marzo il Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti d 'America a Firenze presenta un workshop dal titolo "Women's Working Group Firenze" (gruppo di lavoro delle donne di Firenze). Il Consigliere della Niaf Anita McBride Bevacqua, dirigente presso l' merican University School of Public Affairs ed ex capo del personale della first lady Laura Bush...