Una giornata dedicata a ricercatori, docenti o startupper italiani nell’area di Boston. Questo l’evento in programma il prossimo 21 aprile in Consolato generale in occasione della prima Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo. L’Italian Startup and Mentoring Day inizierà alle 12.00 nella sede del Consolato dove verranno presentate le start up sel...

Sabato 21 Aprile 2018 12:00. Are you an Italian Researcher, Professor or Startupper in the Boston area? Don't miss the First Italian Startup and Mentoring Day! In order to participate you have to be a member of DBiT - If you are not yet registered, please click here 12:00 – 12:30 Welcome and registration / Guests arrival; 12:30 – 14:30 Italian lunc...

The October 2017 Italian American Heritage Kick Off at Massachusetts State House was sponsored by the Italian Consul General Nicola De Santis and the Italian American Heritage Committee. Speaker of the House Rep. Robert De Leo served as Master of Ceremonies ushering in a full month of activities all over the Commonwealth run by Italian and Italian-...

A Boston contingent, many from the North End, gathered on Tuesday at the Italian Consulate to celebrate the 150 year old Italian story of olive oil maker Filippo Berio. Salov North America CEO Marco De Ceglie told the group about the legacy of Filippo Berio from Lucca, Italy. Its namesake founder, and subsequently the Fontana family, grew the compa...

Sindaco di Springfield, Domenic J. Sarno ha ricevuto nei giorni scorsi Nicola De Santis, Console generale d’Italia a Boston, con cui ha discusso su come rafforzare i rapporti tra la città Usa e Viterbo. “Vista la crescita di 3.3 miliardi di dollari dello sviluppo economico di Springfield – ha detto il sindaco Sarno – il console generale De Santis e...

Thursday, April 6 | 6:00pm- 8:30pm | Boston University Castle | 225 Baty State Road, Boston: Boston's North End: An Italian-American Story. Produced by the North End Historical Society, Boston's North End: An Italian-American Story chronicles the vibrant community that has called the North End of Boston home for over 100 years.  Join us on Thursday...

This event brings together the Italian Sailing School "Mascalzone Latino", run by Vincenzo Onorato and three sailing schools of Boston   June 16 and 22, 2013 - BostonMIT Sailing Pavilion, Courageous Sailing Center, Community Boating Professionisti Italiani a Boston, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Boston, will h...

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 2016. 5:30pm - 8:30pm. 308 Congress Street, Boston. Admission is $1.00 per person starting at 5pm. Registration recommended but not mandatory http://italianculturenight2016.eventbrite.com The Program includes among other activities:- Newpoli: Newpoli is a group of exceptionally talented musicians who spe...

Nobel per l'economia nel 1985, morto a Cambridge nel 2003, Franco Modigliani sarà ricordato a Boston il prossimo 9 aprile con un evento promosso in suo onore dal Mit. Organizzato nell'ambito del 2013 – Anno della Cultura italiana negli Usa, in collaborazione con il Consolato generale d'Italia a Boston, l'associazione Professionisti Italiani a Bost...

The recent podcast of school news of the Italian Consulate in Boston has reached the 5th episode by now. Its name is Tuttinclasse! (It means "Go in class!") It is produced by the Educational Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and it can be listened on your own cell phone or computer. In just a few minutes, you'll hear last school a...