Nel corso del mese appena trascorso San Francisco è stata il palcoscenico di molti eventi interessanti legati alla promozione della lingua italiana.   Fra questi, ha riscosso un grande successo lo spettacolo "ABC l'Italiano si impara così", messo in scena presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura da Laura Caparrotti, Direttore Artistico di Kairo...

by Tonya Russo Hamilton "Se avete due pani, vendetene uno e comprate un fiore, perché anche l'anima ha fame." If one has two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a flower, for the soul also has hunger. This Italian proverb spoken by Cindy Felice's mother throughout her life signifies her journey from childhood arts appreciation to becoming...

The Department of Italian at Georgetown University together with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Washington D.C. invites proposals for a conference titled Teaching Italian Culture. The one-day conference will take place on October 19th 2013 during the Italian Language Week as part of a series of events celebrating the Year...

Il prossimo 5 luglio alle ore 17.00 a Gagliano Aterno (AQ) presso l'ex monastero di S. Chiara (oggi sede della scuola del Corpo Forestale dello Stato), sarà inaugurato il 9° corso di lingua e cultura Italiana per studenti della Wayne State University di Detroit (Michigan, USA), e il 6° corso di preparazione al TOEFL per studenti dell'Università Uni...

by Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino Il futuro dell'italiano nel mondo passa attraverso l'insegnamento. Per capire quali sono le prospettive che si aprono per i prossimi anni, La VOCE di New York ha intervistato Paolo Balboni, che ha insegnato lingua, didattica, ricerca e metodologia per quasi quarant'anni, sia in Italia che all'estero.   Balboni...

by Carla Balzano   The Dante Aligheri Society will be hosting an open house for their Fall Trimester Language Courses. The open house will be on September 3, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at their Cambridge location.   At the open house, students will be able to not only sign up for the Fall Trimester, but also speak with teachers, tes...

Millikan High School in Long Beach Looking for Full-Time Long-Term Substitute Italian High School Teacher   Position will begin sometime between Nov. 9- 30 and last to the end of the school year. Teacher will teach Italian 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. Hourly pay reflects the long term substitute rate that is posted on LBUSD's website. W...

The Cresskill School District seeks an outstanding candidate for a full-time Italian language instruction position who demonstrates interpersonal skills that promote collaboration, professionalism, and a commitment to ensuring all students are able to use language authentically and for real communicative purposes. The candidate must be certified in...

The 2nd Bilingual Fair in NYC will be held on October 3, 2015 at Hunter College. For the second year in a row, the bilingual education community will be in a single space. Founder, Emmanuel Saint Martin comments, "Last year we started with the conviction that the demand for bilingual education was stronger than ever. This year's edition is muc...

The Consul General has the honor and pleasure to invite the Teachers of Italian in the Greater Philadelphia area to attend a workshop at the Consulate General of Italy, located at 150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 106 on Wednesday March 19th at 3:00 PM.   Letter to Teachers   Source:  ...