On May 1st the departments of Modern Languages and Literatures and Spanish and Latino Studies, hosted a reception to launch the B.A. in Language, Business & Culture. Guests, included business representatives, political figures, alumni, and university faculty who came together to celebrate this unique academic program linking the learning of world l...
READ MOREFor one afternoon, Montclair became Montechiaro (Clear Mountain in Italian) at the Van Vleck House & Gardens, 21 Van Vleck St., for an event titled “From Montclair to Montechiaro: Discovering Italy in the Local Architecture.” The June 9 event began with a lecture by decorative arts historian Kathleen Bennett, and architect Frank Gerard Godlewski, a...
READ MOREDal 2011 sei titolare della cattedra in studi Italiani e Italo-americani con un focus in particolare su letteratura, musica e tematiche come l’immigrazione. Qual è l’oggetto principale della tua didattica?“Questo sfaccettato ruolo intreccia docenza, ricerca e attività legate alla promozione della cultura italiana, che vanno da eventi pubblici, a in...
READ MOREFrom Montclair to Montechiaro: Discovering Italy in the Local Architecture, June 9, 2019, 2-5 pm at the Van Vleck House and Gardens (21 Van Vleck Street, Montclair) RSVP here. Montclair’s transformation, from a bucolic country retreat known for its clean air and apple orchards into one of the first and finest commuter suburbs of Manhattan, is due t...
READ MOREMay 1st, when everyone across the world except the U.S. celebrates Labour Day, marked an important event at Montclair State, one that would help facilitate job searches for future graduates of this prestigious public university of the Garden State. Numerous business representatives, political figures, professors and alumni attended the launch of th...
READ MORESome scholars have studied the new Italian emigration to the United States. It's a very interesting topic, because it's obviously a different emigration in numbers, people and dynamics, compared to the one of 100 years ago: and yet, illuminating parallels can be identified. And the relationship between the heirs of the emigrants of the past, born A...
READ MOREIf you were to take a poll in the streets of, let’s say, Milan, or Florence, or Rome, asking Italians what the most important language for business might be, we’d be willing to bet you’d collect only one answer: English. It’s no secret that English is the most commonly spoken language in the world, and in countries like Italy, being comfortable w...
READ MOREItalian Language and Culture Day, an annual showcase and competition among students of Italian from middle and high schools across New Jersey, was held at Montclair State University on March 14th. A signature collaboration between the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America and the Italian Teachers Association of New Jersey (ITANJ),...
READ MOREThe Director of the Coccia Institute is delighted to announce the 2019 Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12). Recognizing the importance of acknowledging and motivating excellence in the teaching of Italian, the Coccia family and Lawrence Inserra, Jr., have established this significant award. Our donor...
READ MOREBack when Robert Pantusa was still slaving over a hot stove at Osteria Giotto — and dealing with the kitchen, staff, suppliers, inspectors, clients, and everything else that went into running one of Montclair’s most popular Italian restaurants — he told an interviewer that he didn’t have to check the night’s receipts to know how many dinners had be...