Saturday, february 28 - 7 pm ESTChrist & Saint Stephen's Church - 120 W 69th St, New York 10023Tickets: Music for Brunelleschi's Dome 7:00 PM, Lucia Baldacci, organistA native of Florence, Italy, Lucia Baldacci is the organist at the Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore – the Duomo – of Florence. At CSS she will offer a r...
READ MOREReduce dall’acclamato successo al Metropolitan di New York, l’appassionato e vibrante Hoffman, vola a Los Angeles per esibirsi in uno straordinario recital di liriche da camera e arie d’opera. Abilmente accompagnato dal pianista italo–americano Vincenzo Scalera, maestro collaboratore al Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Vittorio Grigolo...
READ MOREAs you know, being a Learn Italy student is not just sitting in a classroom lecture. It is being a part of a larger famiglia! Let's see what is going on here: Giada Valenti is coming in concert! Giada will be accompanied by her own All Men Band and will take you on a musical journey performing her own renditions of Italian and American hits from...
READ MOREIl mondo di Luciano Pavarotti e la sua grande carriera di cantante lirico rivivranno il 23 aprile a Verona in un'esposizione promossa da 'Arena MuseOpera' (Amo) nata in occasione del Centenario del Festival lirico areniano, per contribuire alla valorizzazione e alla divulgazione della cultura operistica italiana.'Amo Pavarotti' sarà presentata a Ne...
READ MOREThe Italian American Opera Foundation presents: Italian Opera Festival - "Viva Verdi!" Ensemble Camerata Barocca "Claudio Monteverdi" Stefano Vignati, conductor - Ramin Bahrami, soloist Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 8:00 PM ITALIAN AMERICAN OPERA FOUNDATION (IAOF) was created with the aspiration to develop a cultural bridge bet...
READ MORESaturday, October 26th Join us for a wonderful evening of Neapolitan music, dancing, raffles and 50/50. Tickets are $45 each and includes live entertainment, a hot buffet dinner, coffee and dessert. Tickets are available after all weekend Masses in the church lobby and at the rectory from Monday–Friday, 1 PM–4 PM. For More information call the rec...
READ MOREOn Sunday, July 27 at 2 p.m. on the museum's Great Lawn, John Gatti will present "Canzoni di Domenica Pomeriggio" ("Songs for a Sunday Afternoon"). Introduced by Professor Louis Leonini, Gatti and his company-Broadway veteran PJ Nelson, and community theater veterans John Mangini, Charles Milo and Al Pica-will perform songs in tribute to D...
READ MOREEcletic musician and vocalist Giovanna Gattuso presents her latest album, The King is Naked, produced by Grammy Award winner Ted Perlman Info Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - Hours: 6.30 pm Venue: IIC LA - Organized by: IIC LA Source:
READ MORELast May San Francisco Renaissance Voices (SFRV) concluded their 2013–14 concert season on the theme Kol Israel: The Voice of Judaism in Early Music with a program of sacred music that featured the work of Salamone Rossi (among other composers). Rossi was based in Mantua and served as concertmaster for the court musicians between 1587 and 1628, mea...
READ MOREDate: Monday, March 09, 2015 - Time: 8:07 serali. Location: Center for New Music, 55 Taylor Street, San Francisco Organized by: CNM - In collaboration with: IIC Italian new music specialist Marco Fusi visits the Bay Area with a program of contemporary violin and viola works by some of the most innovative Italian composers worki...