Dear friends,
Welcome to the 2025 of We the Italians!
The year begins with an important news for us. After 85,000 free contents, the first articles for those who would like to subscribe have appeared on our Facebook page. So many of you have asked us how to “subscribe” to We the Italians or help us grow, and today there is this tool that, for the price of one espresso per month, allows you to read content written exclusively for subscribers, with an editorial effort that we are sure will be welcomed with pleasure and generosity by our readers. For early birds, until January 31st , the monthly subscription costs only $2.99, from February 1st it will grow little. This is just the beginning of a new era for us here at We the Italians, who totaled more than 8 million on our Facebook page last year. Let us know what you think and if you have any suggestions by emailing info@wetheitalians.com
As already announced last month, the eleventh book, the ninth annual yearbook, is available for you: twelve interviews from 2024 on twelve different topics that have in common Italy and the United States. On this page, you will find a preview and the link to purchase it.
2025 is also the year when our friends at the National Italian American Foundation celebrate an important birthday: 50 years! We are very grateful to NIAF for these 50 years, for all that they have done and continue to do for the Italian American community and for the relationship between Italy and the United States, and like the years past we are sure that we will share with them the moments of celebration of friendship summed up by our motto “Two Flags One Heart” on both sides of the Atlantic. To wish them well appropriately, this is the link to the welcome speech that NIAF President and my great personal friend Robert Allegrini gave last June at the We the Italians Gala 2024. Thanks NIAF, thank you Robert, best wishes to all board members!!!
This January also sees the start of a new column in our magazine, which we have called Italian Territories. As you know, Italy is divided into 20 regions, but the history of the territory that has been officially Italian since 1861 goes back a long way, when areas and peoples sometimes had names that were later used to name the 20 regions, but at other times remained in the common use of people despite not having an institutional representation. To give you an example of the first region we discuss this month, Calabria, has within it 7 subregions: Sila, Piana di Sibari or Sibaritide, Crotonese or Marchesato, Piana di Sant'Eufemia or Lamezia Terme, Locride, Vibonese and Reggino. In our new column we will value one of these Italian subregions each month. Often those who belong to one of these subregions identify more with it than with the region (in the case of this January, more with Sila than with Calabria), and we thought we would also feature this Italian peculiarity, each month in a different region.
We are very happy to welcome a new member of our family, a new Ambassador. As you know, we not only have geographical Ambassadors, both in the Us and in Italy: we also have thematic Ambassadors. Today we are proud and thankful to welcome with us Leonardo Paulillo, our new Ambassador to Audiovisual. Leonardo is a seasoned lawyer with a robust expertise in IP and the audiovisual industry. With years of experience navigating the intersection of law, creativity, and technology, he provides comprehensive legal and strategic international support to companies, filmmakers and creators. He is the Secretary General of Audiovisivo Italiae, promoting the excellence of Italian audiovisual production.
It’s all for now. Please stay safe and take care, and enjoy our magazine and our contents on our website. Stay safe and take care: the future’s so bright, we gotta wear tricolor shades! A big Italian hug from Rome.