‘Mosaico’ Italian art exhibit featured at Dupont Underground

Nov 16, 2024 288

BY: Alia Messina

Mosaico Italian code of a timeless art” is the Dupont Underground’s latest exhibit, in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy, running until Feb. 2. Decorating cathedral ceilings, palace walls and the Mediterranean seafloor, the ancient artistic tradition of mosaics, or the art of creating images or patterns out of small pieces of glass, clay and stone, has a rich, territorial history in Italy and Sicily. 

“Mosaico” features six stations of Italian Mosaic that guide viewers through the geographical history of the art form and highlights pieces from the Farnesina Collection, owned by and housed in the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. 

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SOURCE: https://www.theeagleonline.com

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