Writer-Director Lucia Mauro’s new one-hour documentary, titled The Loneliest Road, is now available to rent on Vimeo. Inspired by Calabrian author Silvio Manno’s 2016 book, Charcoal and Blood, it honors the five Italian-immigrant charcoal burners shot dead by a sheriff’s posse while striking for better wages in the mining boom town of Eureka, Nevada.
This little-known injustice has come to be called the 1879 Fish Creek Massacre. “I first encountered Silvio Manno’s story when I read an article about him in We The Italians magazine,” says Lucia Mauro. “I was so moved by this long-buried tragedy, together with Silvio’s own story as an Italian immigrant, and his determination to bring to light the charcoal burners’ plight.”
The film retraces Mr. Manno’s journey. It explores the multilayered circumstances that led up to the Massacre, from the California Gold Rush to the heyday of mining, along U.S. Highway 50 – dubbed “The Loneliest Road in America.” It features interviews with historians and descendants who are part of Eureka’s legacy community. It is produced by Joe Orlandino and features original music by Enzo De Rosa.
The Loneliest Road marks the 10th anniversary of In My Brother’s Shoes, Inc., an Illinois non-profit film production company founded by the husband-and-wife team of Joe Orlandino and Lucia Mauro.
Their work focuses on films about healing, resilience and human connection, with a number of their projects featuring Italian and Italian-American themes.
Link to The Loneliest Road on Vimeo on Demand: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theloneliestroad
More info at: https://www.inmybrothersshoes.org/
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