Andrea Pietrini new President of the OSDIA Chapter of Rome

Nov 10, 2023 1099

During the annual assembly of the Rome Chapter of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA), Andrea Pietrini was elected President. Pietrini succeeds Massimo Cicatiello. Claudio Frasca, MBA SDA Bocconi and Immediate Past President of the Chapter, was appointed Vice President of the Rome Chapter.

"I am honored," Andrea Pietrini declared, "to have been chosen as the new President of this prestigious chapter. I will work diligently to continue the excellent work done by my predecessors and the outgoing board. My goal is to strengthen ties with the Italian-American community and contribute to the promotion of Italian culture and values among the new generations."

Andrea Pietrini earned a degree from Bocconi University and an Executive MBA from LUISS Business School. He held significant roles in the M&A sector, first working at KPMG, where he dealt with acquisition due diligence, and then at IBM South Europe, where he worked on transnational operations within the Alliance department. He later became an investment manager in FinTech, a joint venture between Telecom Italia and MCC - Medio Credito Centrale. He served as Group CFO of Terasystem Group and has been a Board Member of numerous Italian and foreign companies. He founded yourCFO Consulting Group in 2012 and initiated parallel projects such as yourHR, yourDIGITAL, and others, which consolidated in 2019 with the creation of YOURgroup. He is the author of the book "Fractional Manager - a new profession for evolving companies". He also serves as a Business Angel and holds roles as president and founder in various associations and foundations.

Carmelo Cutuli, founder and past President of the Rome Chapter, commented: “I extend my heartfelt congratulations to President Pietrini, already a charter member of the Chapter, on this important appointment. I am sure that with his passion and experience he will be able to guide the Rome Chapter of the OSDIA in the best possible way in the coming year, continuing the work started in 2019, the year of the foundation of this first territorial unit established by the OSDIA in Italy”.

The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America is one of the oldest and most prestigious organizations of Italian-Americans in the United States, founded in New York in 1905, by the Sicilian doctor Vincenzo Sellaro, to unite Italian immigrants while maintaining firm the Italian culture and traditions. The Rome Chapter was founded in 2019 to create a bridge between Italy and the Italian-American communities residing in the United States.

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