Etna Doc, more companies led by young people and virtuous economic impact on the territory grow

Sep 17, 2024 200

The future of a wine territory can also be seen by how much young people and new generations invest in it. And in that of Etna Doc, the diamond of Sicilian wine and a territory of 1,500 hectares (60% in organic regime, and with plants in fact blocked for the next few years, which can only increase by 50 hectares each year, recounted, by WineNews, in the past, in a real reportage) enclosed in 20 municipalities, 4 slopes, 133 Contrade and about 445 producing companies, the number of companies led by the “under 41” is increasing, a share that has now reached 20% (8% young female conductors), twice the national share (10%) found by Ismea on the basis of Istat.

An acceleration, that of young entrepreneurs, which in the 4 Etna slopes has become even more evident in the last 3 years (2020-2023), with an increase in the period of 55% for a total of 89 producing realities. Trend this much more significant, as is the overall growth of new companies (+16%). 

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