W.A.P. / We are Paesani

Mar 13, 2016 1452

The Association N.9 announced today that it is raising funds via a rewards crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to finish the development of their project We Are Paesani. 

The Association N.9 set out to raise $100,000 on IndieGoGo to finish development and publish the website by which we are seeking to assemble the world's largest database aggregating information on native Calabrians, as yielded by copious data housed in dusty public archives: dates and places of birth, accurate addresses of ancestors' homes, occupations, wedding dates, relatives and descendants, geolocation on a map and any additional relevant information contained in available records (time of birth, names of midwives, names of witnesses to a birth, etc.).

The Association N.9 was set up in ITALY and is presided by Alessandro Mario Toscano and Marco Toscano. As far as we are concerned, this project will require our unwavering commitment and great expenditures in terms of time, money and energy that only you, dear PAESANI, can help us offset by providing some financial support. Thank you!

Alessandro Mario Toscano
President Association N.9 - Via Pasquale Galluppi n.15 - COSENZA, Italy
+39 339 22 27 019 wearepaesani@gmail.com


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