The whole truth about coffee: ten myths to debunk about the beloved Italian Espresso

Jan 14, 2025 120

BY: Andrej Godina, Mauro Illiano

Coffee is a serious matter… Yet, it’s still a victim of many myths and misconceptions that we aim to dispel here. Here’s a small guide dedicated to the black beverage...

1. Coffee is only bitter
Let’s get this straight right away—it’s not true. Coffee is a drink that includes bitterness in its flavour profile, but it’s not exclusive to it. Most coffees also have a noticeable acidity and perceptible sweetness. So why do we believe that coffee is only bitter? Because bitterness often dominates the flavour. Dark espresso roasting, high temperatures and pressures in espresso machines, overdosing, and the presence of robusta in blends all accentuate this taste. 

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