Research Your Italian Roots Part 2 – Join us June 17 at 6pm!

Jun 14, 2020 747

Wednesday, June 17, 6:00pm EST. Register Here. In this second session of NIAF's Virtual Genealogy Series, we are going to show you how to research U.S. Records (Immigration Records, Census Records, Naturalization Records, among others). Whether you are applying for Italian Citizenship or researching your Family History, knowing the exact place of birth of your Italy-born Ancestor is essential.

We will explain how to use available online databases, provide useful tips, including live demonstrations. You must register to attend and the fee is $25. You will learn about online genealogy resources, many you may not even know exist, and support the National Italian American Foundation at the same time. We hope to see you then!

Bianca Ottone, founder of My Italian Family will explain how to best navigate your family research using U.S. Records. My Italian Family has helped people of Italian origin to trace back their roots, reconnect to their living relatives, follow their Ancestors' steps onsite in Italy and become Italian Dual Citizens.

Missed the first session of NIAF's Genealogy Series "Researching Your Italian Roots – How to Begin" with My Italian Family? Watch the recording here.

If you have any questions, please send them to

We can't wait for you to join us!


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